My favourite part of the ceremony are the vows, the personal vows of each couple.
Why are we coming together today? To pledge, vow, combine and promise ourselves to our partner, manifest our commitment, our desires, our adventures and all the things to come as a couple - now joined together by words and vows taken. I love seeing couples embracing their vows and their emotions. 😍
Be alive, be present, look into your partners eyes, cry and cry some more. You can kiss and hug, as this is it, your moment! This is why we are here today. I know because I was there last October and I am there every day of my life vowing, promising, living and loving the LOML (Love of my life).
This is why I became a celebrant, because I love truely and I love to see people in love and help make your love shine on your day. I’m all about love and living to the fullest, embracing emotions and being alive in love and in the moment. What better moment to relish and roll in, like a pig in mud when looking at your LOML and feeling the love 😍
I will share my vows with you and give you some tips on how I wrote them that will help you as well.
Is it an art? Maybe, but all I did was the below and listened to my heart. Sit back, put on your favourite love song and relax and visualise your ceremony and your LOML in front of you. Take a pen and some paper/ or your notes in your phone and off you go.
Tips on how to write your vows:
Use the notes on your phone to jot down ideas whenever they come to you
Start a few months before your wedding (if you can)
Note down any lyrics you hear in songs you like
Note down any phrases/ conversations with friends that resonate with you
Listen to your favourite songs and check their lyrics for nice phrases as inspiration
Any words that come to mind here and there that are significant to your relationship, write them down
Movies - another awesome pool for ideas are movies, whenever you hear something, quickly write it down, there’s so many amazing movies out there, maybe one you’ve watched together and you love
Quirks or things your partner does you just love ie I’m jealous of the pillow you hold all night and not me or your big brown eyes, love for your children/ inspiration
Ending: Use the most powerful words there are and the ones that marked the start of your relationship? I love you. I love you, forever.
My vows
I’m emotional and when reading my vows I was sobbing the whole way through...and that was perfect. Don’t be afraid of your emotions, let it be what it is and embrace this moment, truely. I asked my celebrant to just give me time and the space to express my feelings and that most likely I will be crying. We had the whole audience in tears sobbing lol (You may need a tissue or two...) 🥰
I love you, all of you, forever.
“For me, Lara Fabian summed it all up with her song ‘Adagio’, that I’ve been listening to for many many years… The song finishes with ‘Be the only man to say, That you believe, make me believe, You won't let go’. BF, you have shown me true love and given me the believe and trust that you won’t let go, ever. Every morning when I wake up I get to look into your beautiful eyes and see your smile and I find my home, my creed and fall in love all over again, day after day and I know this won’t change. You showed me true love and true love is alive, every day, every second it breathes in you and through me. Falling for you wasn’t falling at all. It was like walking into a house and suddenly realising I was home. One look at you and my whole life falls into place, before I found you, I prayed for you and I can’t believe you are even true sometimes. The best thing that I will ever do, is that I’ll get to love you. You’ve changed my life in ways I will never be able to put into words. You’ve made me a better man, a stronger man and a more compassionate man. I join my life with yours. Wherever you go, I will go; whatever you face, I will face. I vow to make my life forever yours and build my dreams around you. Today here in front of our family and friends I vow to love and honour, protect and respect you, now and forever, you are my husband. I love you, all of you, forever!”
I hope this will give you some inspiration. I’ll be there helping you along the way as well and have many great vow examples for you to get inspiration from and give you feedback on yours.
On the day I’ll have your vows printed on a palm card for you to read, ready at the altar so you don’t have to worry about memorising them or losing the paper etc.
I’ll be there making sure it’s all that you dreamt off and more. 🥰
Love must always win. 😘