Harbour Bridge Climb certified celebrant for adventurous wedding ceremonies.
One of the best views in the city.
Here's an idea for you 💡 - Why not get married overlooking Sydney's iconic harbour, the Opera House AND be on top of the Harbour Bridge. You say it can't be done?!? Well, it can and I’ve done it. 🥳
Here it goes - I had an overseas couple contact me to enquire re a relaxed wedding on a quiet beach. They wanted sand between their toes and asked for help finding a cute beach to do so in Sydney. Luckily there are many of those and, depending on the time of day, they can be secluded and quiet. I had a few ideas I brought to the table and we selected a beach for the ceremony.
I've put together a list of tips & tricks, locations, hotels etc for overseas couples. Let me know if interested and I'll share this with you.
To give you some more background on the specifics of this particular ceremony, it was only the two of them (couple to be married) thus I had to organise the two witnesses, helped to find a photographer and other suppliers.
A few weeks later I got an email from the bride-to-be with the subject: “You must be brave now Andy - Are you afraid of heights?” I thought, ok, let me see what this is all about and opened the email.
The groom had a ‘crazy’ idea. Can we move the ceremony to the top of the harbour bridge, he was wondering?!? I was puzzled 🧐 - what about the secluded beach and sand between toes 🤓 I had to give them a quick call to see if I read this correctly, as the harbour bridge is a far stretch from a secluded/ lonely beach, haha but yes - the harbour bridge was the way to go.
I was now happily tasked with finding out if this is at all possible, how much it’ll cost and anything else we had to consider. I love these kinds of weddings where it's a little (or a lot) outside the box and called up ‘Bridge Climb’ Sydney the next day. There were obviously many things to consider, but it was possible. 😃
We had to book a group of 14 places to have the time up on the bridge for a ceremony. There's a small space that is right in the middle of the arch up top to stand and have all people close together overlooking the harbour. We had to all be attached to the bridge (secured) at all times and there was a team with us to make sure all is safe and guide us up and down. It was super fun and a bucket list kinda experience.
I had to go by myself a few days beforehand to get certified and rehearse up top. I must confess I am afraid of heights, but the bridge climb team talked me through it all and professionally helped me combat this, and now I’m so used to it, it’s like my second home.
Since the couple had to book a group, we had a couple of places available so I checked with them and was allowed to bring a few friends to add to the party - and what a great ceremony it was. 🥰
On the day of the ceremony I was super excited, to say the least. We had to quickly practice how to exchange wedding rings on the the bridge, as no loose items can be taken up top. Once we put on the overalls, we had another quick briefing and off we went.
It was such a special experience and just incredible to be up there and solemnise a marriage. Afterwards we all went to the Glenmoore to celebrate and share our experiences. What a day 🥳
What is your idea for your wedding? Let's make it happen 🥰
Enjoy the photos and a happy New Year to you.